Health & Eyesight Policy

Eyesight checks - eyesight checks of drivers should be completed when required and at least every 6 months, pre-employment or at the start of a specific contract and also after any incident.
Eyesight checks are completed to ensure all drivers are able to read a number plate from 20 metres with results documented.
Health checks and Safe Driving - You must ensure that you are fit and well enough to drive and have proper control of a vehicle that you are driving at all times.
The consumption of alcohol or drugs prior to or during the course of driving is strictly prohibited.
All drivers must;
Observe speed limits, all other road traffic laws and the highway code;
Drive considerately and courteously and avoid conflict with other road users;
Develop a safe and economical driving style;
Report any medical condition or if taking any medication that can affect ability to drive;
Report any changes to existing or new medical conditions that may affect your ability to drive;
Use all provided safety equipment provided when required;
Wear corrective eyewear if required (It is a criminal offence to drive a motor vehicle if a driver cannot read a standard number plate in good daylight from 20 metres);
Take particular care when vulnerable road users are observed and to look out for vulnerable road users;
Ensure any load is adequately secured and vehicle is not overloaded or unevenly loaded;
Comply with driving hours and working times;
Comply with this policy and all company safe operating procedures;
Ensure that necessary paperwork and documentation is in vehicle at all times.
Drivers should be aware of good posture when driving and take regular breaks when they should get out of the vehicle and stretch muscles and also ensure getting plenty of fresh air.
The company has a stress policy in place and stress audit form is available to all staff including drivers.
All drivers are required to complete medical questionnaire and provide a declaration that fit to drive.