Serviceability & Road Worthiness Policy

This policy provides an overview of our commitment to ensuring all vehicles are fully maintained and checked to ensure fully roadworthy and safe before use on public roads.
All vehicles controlled by the company should be used correctly and safely and all drivers should be trained and competent in the use of any vehicles they are asked to drive. Pre-use checks should be completed as instructed.
In addition to pre-use checks we have comprehensive systems in place for regular and ongoing inspection, servicing and maintenance of all vehicles. Any issues identified during pre-start checks will be dealt with and no vehicles used until fully safe. Any vehicles which fail a pre-start inspection or which are deemed not roadworthy must not be driven until fixed and have passed a new inspection. Any vehicles that has not been checked or identified as not safe should be marked 'Do not Use'.
As well as maintenance to ensure vehicles are performing correctly, and in a safe and roadworthy condition, consideration is also given to improving environmental performance and minimising environmental impact.
If any vehicle is found to be faulty, whether identified during pre-start check or at any other time, the vehicle must not be used and line manager informed. Only once deemed safe for continued use can it be used again.
Details of the defect should be documented using the defect reporting form or inspection checklist and then repair process followed to ensure defect is dealt with and vehicle fully repaired.
Records from ongoing inspection and maintenance will be retained and held for at least 15 months.
A forward schedule of tests and inspections will be maintained and will show all checks scheduled forward for at least 6 months.
Risk assessments should be completed and reviewed periodically to review and identify the risks associated with safe use of vehicles. Findings from the risks assessments should be actioned in due course and this policy updated to reflect current controls in place.