The company induction process ensures that an induction is completed with all new staff covering key information about the company, management systems, policies and safety guidance.
To ensure the company are compliant with FORS requirements this policy also details the specific requirements of FORS when completing the induction form.
When completing an induction it is essential that the following is completed as part of the induction process and marked on the induction form as Company Policies / Objectives / Management System’
Induction Procedure - Induction must include the following;
FORS, the level of accreditation, its requirements and general obligations
Health and safety policy (Including version prepared for FORS compliance)
The importance of vulnerable road user safety, air quality and emissions
Appraisal, professional development and performance management procedures
Training needs and FORS Professional Development
Familiarisation training on vehicles, routes and sites
Any specific requirements of principal contracts
FORS policies; M8 Health and safety, M9 Complaints, M10 Transport Infringements, V1 Serviceability roadworthiness, V5 Load safety, V7 Tyre management, D2 Driving standards, D3 Staff induction, D5 In-vehicle communication, D6 Health and eyesight, D7 Working time and drivers’ hours, O2 Fuel, emissions and air quality, O3 Road risk collisions, O4 Passenger safety - where relevant, O5 Specialist operations, O6 Operational security, O7 Counter terrorism
Staff induction will be completed or signed off by a line manager.
When the manager adds their name to the induction form this is a declaration that the member of staff receiving the induction has been familiarised with all the policies and procedures covered including all those detailed above.
The inductee must sign the form and this confirms that they are fully familiar with all values, policies and procedures including those listed above.